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John C. Hull, 2008, Fundamentals of futures and options markets, 6th edition, Pearson Hall, p 56. Kyte, A. (2002) The hedging imperative: making the choices, inform Global, 10(2), 32. Loudon, G. (2004) Financial risk exposures in the airline industry: evidence from Australia and New Zealand, Australian Journal of Management, 29(2), 295-316. 证券 - ACB News - acbnewsonline.com.au 今日公布年度财报和分红方案的在线支付公司OFX Group (ASX:OFX) 尽管财政年度利润下滑18%至1,960万澳元,然而市场投资者似对其依旧充满信心,今日该股股价跳空高开,全日股价强势上行,终盘报收1.545澳元,日K线为跳空高开巨幅长阳,收盘价逼近4月4日创出的前期高点1.50澳元。 外汇 - Foreign Exchange - 分类目录 - 分页 7 OzForex Make fast & secure international money transfers. Save with better rates than the banks. Live foreign currency converter. Register free to send money now. www.ozforex.com.au - UTF-8 - 2015-01-24. … 交易商报告信息 - ACB News - acbnewsonline.com.au 因风险情绪恶化,纽约时段美元尾盘全线上扬。美元指数逼近83.50区域水平阻力位。欧盟官员继续挑起话题。意大利总理蒙堤称意大利计划向欧洲稳定机制求援,帮助缓解殖利率上涨压力。蒙堤同时表示,明年任期结束后将不会寻求连任。
Earlier this year the Global FinTech Trends Report published by CB Insights named Australia and Brazil as the two top nations for funding in the financial technologies space outside of the core startup markets of the United States, Europe, and Asia.. The ranking came as the report found Australia hosted half of the 10 largest fintech deals outside of core markets such as the US, Europe, and Asia.
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